What to do about Land-O-Lakes.
Are they another Go Woke, Go Broke?
Short answer: stop buying their products. Many people began asking UnWoke.Academy for feedback on the company, after they were discovered to be ultra-woke (these are the people who removed the image of a Native American woman from their brand... presumably for no better reason than Woke virtue-signaling).
It appears that the company's lurch-to-the-left may be attributable to "career marketing expert" Heather Malenshek, who also happens to have worked for Harley Davidson and other major brands. Based upon this article from Forbes…
Land O’Lakes, Respecting The Past & Rooted In The Future
Ms. Malenshek may be responsible for some or all of the Leftist harm and possibly for spreading the same damaging ideologies at Harley Davidson as well, a company that is also going through the same identity crisis, coincidentally.
Land-O-Lakes' "Supplier Diversity" speaks volumes about pursuing racist narratives rather than a meritocracy-based system for society (https://landolakes.supplierone.co/). They boast involvement in "more than 80 countries" per the Venture 37 portion of their website, which might explain interest in bending a knee to anti-West woke concepts like race-based business practices.
Ms. Malenshek's talk of "respect[ing] what comes before us" in the above Forbes article sounds an awful lot like current catchy buzzwords for, "let's embrace Global Communism". Most or all of the companies that have embraced such ideologies have adopted roughly identical phraseology. Public comments, marketing, and websites of such companies have shifted to highly charged ethno-identity-based business practices. “Delivering on the promise of geo-diverse cultural Justice, we seek to provide Equity based upon…” is something you might expect to see as a guiding principle of a Social Justice Foundation, but isn’t far from how Land-O-Lakes presents themselves.
Their 2024 Annual Report mentions “equity” 19 times and “diverse/diversity” 34 times, and as part of their “Pride Alliance” talks about LGBTQ and their “allies”. As if anyone anywhere cares about the sexual preferences of the people making and distributing butter. By now, the world has come to understand that such buzzwords are meant to create artificial markets and allow for the manipulation of favored suppliers and for investors to artificially tip the scales of Free Markets in favor of personal profit. In the real world, as we all know, the company that makes the best butter at a reasonable price wins. Companies like Land-O-Lakes, and I suspect the Global Political backers influencing them, know that they can gain market share and increase profits by eliminating competition instead. This is part of an ongoing trend and should be rebuked.
Find the Land-O-Lakes Annual Report here; it is an amalgamation of woke tropes and virtue-signaling: https://api.landolakesinc.com/getmedia/8eea43e3-8d04-49ef-bf06-33204ed772d3/1224-lol-cir-digital.pdf
We were surprised to discover that Land-O-Lakes is privately owned. Being privately owned means that far-Left "Corporate Equity Index", which is like a woke credit score for corporations, should have little or no impact on them. This likely means that this company willingly went woke for no reason other than appearing virtuous.
Find better butter, preferably local, and avoid this company for the foreseeable future. They went woke.
I haven’t purchased Land o Lakes products in years! They can go broke! I purchase organic butter which is a much higher quality, and also make my own with fresh raw cream from grassfed cows!! Thanks for the heads up, though!! I’ll share the information!