Special message from Jonathan Broadbent
If you follow UnWoke.Academy (@unwokeinvesting) you know that much of what we do is shared via the Substack platform (@SubstackInc). It has come to our attention that a Substack personality will be hosting a program titled: The Future of Finance: Substack’s Market Forecast Summit. I cannot comment on any of the people speaking because I've not heard of any other than Matt Taibbi who is a wide-ranging Journalist but not particularly known in the world of Investing or Finance.
UnWoke has not yet received our invitation to join this summit but will keep an eye out.
Of this event, the author (Linda, no last name found) says:
"The world of finance is undergoing a profound transformation–not just in the markets but in how knowledge is shared. Finance, business, and economics writers and creators are increasingly recognizing the power of independence. In an age where trust in traditional media is waning, going direct allows these publishers to foster genuine relationships with their readers."
Clearly, we agree. We've gone from creating content for legacy media to mostly posting on Substack and places like it.
For my part, I know and have worked with most of the major players in virtually all aspects of Finance, and follow whatever contrarians we can find who are willing to challenge the "Wall Street" narrative like us. So any event that manages to find five or more speakers who are unknown is interesting, to say the least.
This will either be an introduction to reasoned thinkers in Finance that we are unaware of or it will be more of the prevailing narrative. References to Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan may not bode well, but then again, I'm former Wall Street.
Whether the event is good, bad, or just misses the mark, it's important! Substack and things like it are gaining in popularity as people seek truth. I'll be attending (or will arrange to join the speakers to challenge current wrong-headed thinking head-on). I'll be keeping a close eye out for any continuation of the prevailing narrative, which I'll simply call "Globalist Elite Mega-Cap" for brevity.
Just as there are some Doctors continuing to advocate for the jab, some in Finance are still mass-consolidating investors into the mega-cap bubble. I'll be on the lookout for this.
The notice I received concludes with the following message:
"If you value insight over noise, depth over brevity, and nuanced insights over surface-level headlines, this summit is for you. The financial world is changing, and the way knowledge is created and shared is evolving alongside it. Those who embrace this shift will shape the future—and we hope that you will join us."
Kind of you to say. We're choosing to assume that she may be new at this and perhaps isn't familiar with UnWoke.Academy yet.
If Unwoke is not invited I would not give the affair much credence.